
Who Do You Need a Subdivision Certificate And Where Is It Applicable?

It is very important to acquire a subdivision certificate as a record for approval before starting any kind of constructions. It is required to undertake works like making footpath, water transportation system and sewage planning. Acquiring the certificate means the plan adheres to all the rules and regulations put forth by the town authorities. It also abides environmental norms promising not to spit toxic fumes.

Before applying for the certificate it is very important all the other steps have been undertaken and signed by the authorities. Other steps may include approval from the water supply department, development council or sanitation authority so as to prove that the required inspection is done and everything is according to the norms. Even if any part of the inspection is left out, it also has to be written down while approving the project so that the required work can be completed as soon as possible to have a hassle-free process during achieving the subdivision certificate.

There are certain steps before applying for the certificate.

  • It requires a certain amount of fee which has to be paid while filling up the form
  • Water meter number and the nearest source of water
  • Approvals from the electricity board stating that the development will be adhering to all the guidelines as mentioned by the board from time to time
  • Approvals from all the governing authorities and councils as required

After the developer attains the subdivision certificate a new road will be named. To name a road, an application has to be submitted to the requisite authority and the required fees have to be submitted. Based on the position of the street, it can also require a new street number if it is an extension of a primary street. The portion of the road can be open to public or private owners once everything has been penned down.

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