
What Are The Types Into Which A Company Titled Property Can Be Divided?

When you are working towards getting a property converted to strata title, there are some requirement that needs to be fulfilled in order to proceed further. The first step towards commencing on the process include getting a nod from the registered land surveyor on all plans.

The conversion to strata title gives the freedom to its owners to choose from different types that includes the original strata planning, subdivision, consolidation and building alteration plan.

Strata plan
This is the original plan which is formed after conversion. Only after conversion to the original strata plan, the property can be listed under any other type.

A property under company title is expected to be huge and hence, some owner can expect to divide the property into smaller sections for effective selling. This is when the subdivision strata planning comes into play. In this kind of planning a property is divided into smaller lots, or the lots are divided into a single property or vice versa.

In this plan two or more separate lots are merged into one making it a unified plot of land. In this plan if there is a presence of a common roof or wall, this too can be included under consolidated strata plan.

Building alteration
This defines the lots where the original boundary has changed. There can be a shift in the boundary if a previous building is demolished or a new building has been erected and the boundary wall matches the lot boundary.

There is a specific way to create a concrete planning that is passed without a hindrance. The plan should include the administration sheet where the registration details is given, the location plan, entire floor plan, boundaries of the structure, property boundary, encroachment etc. One needs to apply for the conversion to strata title along with all the documents and within some days the process is executed.

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