
What Will Happen If You Do Not Apply For Sydney Council Development Applications?

When do you need to apply for the Sydney council development applications? What is the importance of this application? Is it mandatory to apply for this application? What will happen if we do not apply for this application? These are some of the common questions that must be bugging you. We thought of discussing all these and much more with you today.

 To begin with, you need to apply for the Sydney council development applications the moment you think of getting your house extended. If the extension is not included in the original blueprint of the house then you have to seek approval for the same. Without the approval you cannot construct a single inch.

 The importance of the application lies in the fact that the construction work that you are planning to do will be considered legal and valid. The application is a proof that the concerned authority has approved the plans of construction. 

Yes, it is mandatory to apply for this application. There is no alternative to it. However, if you are planning to get a fence, barbeque, deck or satellite dishes installed then you don’t have to apply for this application. In all other scenarios you have to apply for one. 

If you do not apply for this application then the construction work will be considered to be illegal. The concerned department has the authority to bulldoze whatever that has been constructed. Moreover, legal action will be taken against you and the construction company for getting involved in illegal construction.

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