
Need To Pass A Development Application? Things To Know!

Getting your development application to pass from the local Council is an overwhelming task not to mention the confusion and complexities around it. This is the reason why you should keep in mind some of the considerations, before you lodge a Sydney Council development application process.

Documentation required:


  • Proof of land survey
  • Approval from the Council
  • Associated fees
  • Blueprint of the entire action plan
  • Electricity, gas and waste management plan
  • Quotation of all the work related cost
  • Complete plan of this site its analysis floor plans, elevation, sections, etc.


Once you have discovered you need to hire a firm that has use of experience in formulating and pushing complete report of the problems which could be faced in future and ways to tackle those issues before the Council.

This is an important step for your Sydney Council development application letter and the areas that need your attention are:


  • Evacuation plans (which includes bushfire & earthquake)
  • Solid waste management plans
  • Biodiversity details
  • Geotechnical plans
  • Sewage plans
  • Driveway designs


All of this information should be reliable and authentic of your knowledge and must be furnished in a proper fashion to get the approval as quickly as possible!

Now this is something which you can definitely perform on your own which would take a lot of determination, time and patience. If time is of the essence and you are not willing to take too many hassles, then hiring an expert is best for you!

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