
Why Do You Require Construction Certificates For Any Constructions?

You need a construction certificate if you want to build or make changes to a building, plumbing or drainage work. A construction certificate in Sydney is required because it ensures that the proposed structure or work complies with the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia (BCA), Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), the applicable development consent, design documentation and any other conditions imposed by the council.

Construction certificates in Sydney also ensures that you have taken all of the necessary steps to make sure that your project will be safe, protects you from potentially dangerous situations later on, and makes sure that you are setting yourself up for resale success.

Here's why.

When you go to sell your house or refinance your mortgage, you can only do so if your home is in good shape. Home inspectors will check to make sure that all of the work done on your house was done legally and safely. If a home improvement wasn't done according to code, or if you didn't get a permit before construction began, the inspector will immediately flag it as a safety hazard. You won't be able to sell or refinance until the issue has been sorted out!

If you have already gotten a construction certificate in Sydney, however, this problem will be much less likely to occur. A construction certificate requires that your plans are approved by an official city inspector before you begin work, which means that inspectors won't be able to accuse you of shoddy workmanship later on.

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